Yurie Kiri
Yurie Kiri is an artist, author and public speaker who balances a life between New York and Japan. She is a multilingual and multicultural woman, with a love for language and a deep understanding of culture that allows her to connect with audiences all over the world.
Yurie_ created yuricon. This is an international convention where fans can discuss lesbian narratives in anime, manga, and other media. She is a strong advocate for women in arts and diversity and equality. She works to encourage women to pursue their passions and dreams. She loves reading, writing and traveling and can speak Japanese, English, French and a smattering of Arabic, Russian and Chinese as well as binary, octal and hexadecimal machine language because she believes that to really understand a person you must be able to communicate with them in their own language no matter if it's human or not.
Yuri recorded her second album, Esperanzas, under the production of Jaramillo Arenas, in which she achieved her first great commercial success. The singles Ma
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