
Sakina-2 - The Sexiest Stripchat Cam Model You'll Ever Meet

Meet sultry 26-year old Stripchat cam model Sakina-2, whose beauty is matched only by her lustrous black hair. She is known for her alluring performances that feature a tantalizing blend of eroticism, romance and sexiness. You'll be mesmerized with her luscious black eyes and lustrous body, whether she's giving a full cock to you or teasing you with her signature penis rings.

Sakina's Bio

Sakina was a very generous child. She would share whatever she had with other children. Like any other child, when she went to bed, she wanted to spend time with her father. He would sit beside her and tell her stories of the prophets, and the battles fought by his grandfather Ali. She would place her head on the chest of her father and he wouldn't move until she fell asleep.

Sakina has the ability to control wind (similar to a 5th level clerical magic spell). She can use this three times per day. She can also carry a single human-sized passenger tirelessly at full movement rate, covering up to 300 miles in a day. Sakina has 50% magic resistance and is not affected by magical weapons.

If a magic user respectfully invokes a sakina, they will usually agree to help the summoner with aerial transportation to a distant location not more than a few days away. However, they are mercurial creatures and rarely stay attached to any plan or acquaintance for very long.

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