
Angel-Priya Bio

Priya-priya is a Stripchat cam model who was born on April 12th 1998. She is a female from India with long brown hair and cyan-blue eyes. She has a small frame and wears henna on her hands. Priya-priya is interested in men and speaks English.

Her hobbies include swimming, dancing and hula-hooping. She also enjoys reading vampire romance novels and watching horror films. She is the most mellow girl, but she still supports her friends. Priya is fascinated by anything that's macabre, and she makes vampire-like poses when crossing her arms or looking down. She also asks Mei whether she is a werewolf after seeing her red-panda form. Mei tells Priya that it's an inconvenient genetic thing.

Priya-priya is a good student and takes part in many extracurricular activities. She is a member of the Sweet Amoris dance team and she has also been involved in activism. She has moved around a lot with her family, so she's not been at the same school very long. However, she hopes to remain in Sweet Amoris to finish high school. Her favorite class is chemistry.

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